Who's your daddy? What's he do

Drinking bleach all day
That's how I like to play
Keep my daddy on his toes
Watch me in my death throes
See an open oven gonna crawl right in
Gonna give myself super-crispy baby skin

Is this dangerous?
I don't know I'm a baby
All I know is that I'm driving my daddy crazy
Gonna put this fork inside a plug socket
This is baby fun daddy
Please don't stop it

Who's your daddy

Daddy put that dangerous teddy away
I just wanna play with rat poison all day
Can't you read the label?
It says: Made in China
That shit's bound to give you some sort of baby angina

Honestly papa
What the hell are you thinking?
Never mind all of this petrol that I'm drinking
Small plastic toy in my mouth?
What a joke
Anyone would think that you want me to choke!

Who's your daddy?
